HLI-Photography: Royal Terns
HLI-Photography: Sanibel Island
HLI-Photography: Colourful Peacock
HLI-Photography: Shamadrossel (Copsychus malabaricus)
HLI-Photography: Karminspint Bienenfresser (Merops nubicus)
HLI-Photography: Flamingo
HLI-Photography: Close-up Wintergoldhähnchen (Regulus regulus)
HLI-Photography: Falklandkarakara alias Johnny Rook (Phalcoboenus australis)
HLI-Photography: Black Redstart waiting for th rain to end
HLI-Photography: Feeding time shot with an old DSLR
HLI-Photography: Gartenrotschwanz in Hagen-
HLI-Photography: Kanarenzilpzalp (Phylloscopus canariensis)
HLI-Photography: Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor koenigi)
HLI-Photography: Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor koenigi) auf dem Pico del Teide Vulkan in Teneriffa
HLI-Photography: Blauracke (Coracias garrulus)
HLI-Photography: Zaunkönig (Troglodytes troglodytes)
HLI-Photography: Silberreiher (Ardea alba)
HLI-Photography: Eichelhäher (Garrulus glandarius)
HLI-Photography: Hausrotschwanz (Phoenicurus ochruros)
HLI-Photography: Rotkehlchen in der City
HLI-Photography: Dohle (Steekueb) - Coloeus monedula
HLI-Photography: Wacholderdrossel (Jackert)
HLI-Photography: Turmfalke Weibchen (Kréchel)
HLI-Photography: Kohlmeise (Schielmees)
HLI-Photography: Turmfalke Weibchen (Kréchel)
HLI-Photography: Rotkehlchen (Erithacus rubecula)
HLI-Photography: Seatern with Wingman
HLI-Photography: Seagulls with Wingman
HLI-Photography: Rotkehlchen (Erithacus rubecula)
HLI-Photography: Zwergtaucher