Mark J. Teleha: 216 Lake
Mark J. Teleha: 216Lake-North Side
Mark J. Teleha: 228Lake-Garage
Mark J. Teleha: 228Lake-Roof
Mark J. Teleha: Front Door
Mark J. Teleha: Front Door to Roof?
Mark J. Teleha: Front View
Mark J. Teleha: Back View
Mark J. Teleha: South View
Mark J. Teleha: Auditor's Files: 216 Lake Place
Mark J. Teleha: 2 doors north of Mangines
Mark J. Teleha: North of Mangines
Mark J. Teleha: Next door to St. Mary's
Mark J. Teleha: Next to St. Mary's
Mark J. Teleha: 905 W. 10th
Mark J. Teleha: 1119 W. 19th
Mark J. Teleha: 1119 W. 19th
Mark J. Teleha: Ashland and 19th
Mark J. Teleha: Ashland and 19th
Mark J. Teleha: Ashland and 19th
Mark J. Teleha: Bright Spot
Mark J. Teleha: The Bright Spot
Mark J. Teleha: Was this wise?
Mark J. Teleha: 300 W. 14th