Mark J. Teleha: St. Paul
Mark J. Teleha: Above the Congregation
Mark J. Teleha: St. John the Baptist
Mark J. Teleha: Immaculate Conception
Mark J. Teleha: St. Nicholas Byzantine Stained Glass
Mark J. Teleha: Above the Altar
Mark J. Teleha: St. Andrew
Mark J. Teleha: St. Joseph
Mark J. Teleha: St. George
Mark J. Teleha: St. Stephen
Mark J. Teleha: P1060584
Mark J. Teleha: Christ in the Tomb
Mark J. Teleha: Last Supper
Mark J. Teleha: Resurrection
Mark J. Teleha: Christ on the Cross
Mark J. Teleha: P1070107
Mark J. Teleha: Good Friday
Mark J. Teleha: West Panorama
Mark J. Teleha: Center Panorama