helzhelz: Samuel!
helzhelz: Samuel *holding paws*
helzhelz: IMG_7128a
helzhelz: IMG_7110
helzhelz: IMG_7126
helzhelz: IMG_7111
helzhelz: Samuel
helzhelz: Sammy Sam
helzhelz: Sammy
helzhelz: Jules Sammy and Dewie.
helzhelz: Sammy enjoying an ear rub.
helzhelz: Samuel and Dewie!
helzhelz: Samuel
helzhelz: Samuel
helzhelz: Samuel enjoying his cuddles!
helzhelz: Sammy
helzhelz: Sammy
helzhelz: IMG_7132
helzhelz: Samuel and Jules' finger.
helzhelz: Samuel
helzhelz: Beautiful Samuel!
helzhelz: James playing with a rag.
helzhelz: James and Flora
helzhelz: James and his Mum Flora!
helzhelz: Jules and Sammy
helzhelz: Sammy with Dewie asleep in the background.
helzhelz: Samuel channel flicking!
helzhelz: Eye guy