(mjh): baby Miei
(mjh): Chef Miei
(mjh): Miei
(mjh): Miei
(mjh): Miei in montreal
(mjh): Miei and baby Putney
(mjh): Is it time to go inside?
(mjh): shhhhhh...
(mjh): singing about Point Lobos
(mjh): On the beach in Santa Cruz (1/2006)
(mjh): visiting Shoichi Seino
(mjh): an afternoon in Ena
(mjh): another hot day in Nagoya
(mjh): bye bye Sun
(mjh): speaking to the sun
(mjh): curious george
(mjh): busy busy!
(mjh): Mom! Tell that seagull to stop staring at me
(mjh): breakfast
(mjh): Catch Dad!