MArk rEstivo: This was just the Start of Trouble
MArk rEstivo: Rain or Shine Day or Night.
MArk rEstivo: Adorable
MArk rEstivo: Great day for a ride
MArk rEstivo: Thunderstorm ride
MArk rEstivo: Tasha..
MArk rEstivo: April "mad dog" Lamescott
MArk rEstivo: Cary "chariot of fire" Davis
MArk rEstivo: yo gimmy dat bike fool
MArk rEstivo: So When do we get to ride
MArk rEstivo: How did we get out here..
MArk rEstivo: Hummm...
MArk rEstivo: I can see tomorrow fom here..
MArk rEstivo: ----------------woa------------>
MArk rEstivo: Watch out getto here we come
MArk rEstivo: There's something in the air today
MArk rEstivo: We've made it
MArk rEstivo: everywere we go, damn vandals
MArk rEstivo: Betty's Back
MArk rEstivo: I like rasberry's
MArk rEstivo: Pimps Pimpin in da hood playa
MArk rEstivo: How many Eyes can one Eye Feel
MArk rEstivo: The End of the Line
MArk rEstivo: The Hells Satans go Fishin
MArk rEstivo: Everyone take one step back
MArk rEstivo: Watch it Fish
MArk rEstivo: Watch my face.....
MArk rEstivo: Shes sure is fast in dum overhuals...
MArk rEstivo: Cary hangin with the hotties