hellotim80: Black Winged Stilt (Adult Female)
hellotim80: Black Winged Stilt (Adult Female)
hellotim80: Red Veined Darter (Female)
hellotim80: White Stork (Juvenille)
hellotim80: Purple Heron (Juvenille)
hellotim80: Cattle Egret
hellotim80: Hoopoe
hellotim80: Red Rumped Swallow
hellotim80: Red Rumped Swallow
hellotim80: Red Rumped Swallow
hellotim80: A Little Bit Horny! (Algarvia Goat - Thanks to Bob for the ID)
hellotim80: Red Veined Darter (Male)
hellotim80: Red Veined Darter (Female)
hellotim80: Anthophora Urbana (Male)
hellotim80: Hummingbird Hawk Moth
hellotim80: Cattle Egret
hellotim80: Whimbrel
hellotim80: Little Tern
hellotim80: Jardins Da Gale Portugal
hellotim80: A Purple Patch
hellotim80: A Long Ladybird? (Hycleus duodecimpunctatus)