hellotim80: Peacock Butterfly
hellotim80: The Pollenator
hellotim80: The Amber Nectar
hellotim80: Peacock
hellotim80: Speckled Wood Butterfly
hellotim80: Broad Bodied Chaser (Female)
hellotim80: A Painted Beauty
hellotim80: Gatekeeper
hellotim80: Pit Stop
hellotim80: Busy Bees (Red Tailed Bumblebee)
hellotim80: Green Veined White Close Up
hellotim80: Red Veined Darter (Female)
hellotim80: Hummingbird Hawk Moth
hellotim80: Red Veined Darter (Male)
hellotim80: Anthophora Urbana (Male)
hellotim80: Beautifully Ugly
hellotim80: Comma at full stop
hellotim80: A Purple Patch
hellotim80: A Long Ladybird? (Hycleus duodecimpunctatus)
hellotim80: Male Migrant Hawker (Thanks Steve for the ID)
hellotim80: Bee Fly