hellopoe: Cristián
hellopoe: Juan Pablo
hellopoe: Little BBQ
hellopoe: Maite
hellopoe: Lighting the little BBQ to heat up the empanadas
hellopoe: Empanadas! We made them ourselves
hellopoe: Juan Pablo
hellopoe: Little one
hellopoe: Food food and more food
hellopoe: BBQ'ers
hellopoe: In love with the light.
hellopoe: The group
hellopoe: El Super Chileno?
hellopoe: Banderitas
hellopoe: Got a bit obsessed by the smoke in the rays of light
hellopoe: Smoke and light
hellopoe: La Chilena con su bandera
hellopoe: Near the start of the day
hellopoe: Maite
hellopoe: Taking photographs of the group
hellopoe: El grupo (3)
hellopoe: El grupo (2)
hellopoe: El grupo (1)
hellopoe: Banderitas
hellopoe: Como se llama esta comida?
hellopoe: People and BBQ
hellopoe: CHORIPAN!!