hellopoe: The sweetest sight...
hellopoe: First Croatian beer!
hellopoe: Om nom nom
hellopoe: Looking down the Stradun
hellopoe: Dawgs!
hellopoe: Oh hai
hellopoe: Looking down the Stradun
hellopoe: Walking from the apartment
hellopoe: I'm a sucker for washing hanging over the streets
hellopoe: Coke
hellopoe: Plant
hellopoe: Suvenir
hellopoe: I don't know why
hellopoe: Beer and Pizza stop
hellopoe: The light!
hellopoe: Rector's Palace
hellopoe: Harbour, Old Town, Dubrovnik
hellopoe: Harbour, Old Town, Dubrovnik
hellopoe: Harbour, Old Town, Dubrovnik
hellopoe: Harbour building
hellopoe: Old Town harbour, Dubrovnik
hellopoe: The moment my heart sank
hellopoe: Old lady feeding the birds
hellopoe: Chilling
hellopoe: Salty's first appearance
hellopoe: Salty and Abs make friends
hellopoe: Salty the Sea Dog