hellomynameisadam: Mike with his game face on
hellomynameisadam: Vicky burning in hell after committing suicide
hellomynameisadam: Paul reveling in his salvation
hellomynameisadam: I drew the card that ushered in the Rapture. I might as well be a horseman.
hellomynameisadam: It's a good thing Mike listened.
hellomynameisadam: Mike's "martial" problems have been giving him some unwanted negativity
hellomynameisadam: I was saved while watching Christian TV.
hellomynameisadam: Player: Paul
hellomynameisadam: Player: Vicky
hellomynameisadam: Player: Mike
hellomynameisadam: Getting ready to change eternity
hellomynameisadam: Ummm...at least the figures were diverse
hellomynameisadam: Look out! Rapture is coming to a store near you!
hellomynameisadam: Rapture Cards
hellomynameisadam: Rapture Cards
hellomynameisadam: Rapture Cards
hellomynameisadam: Saved Cards
hellomynameisadam: Saved Cards
hellomynameisadam: Life Cards
hellomynameisadam: Rapture Game Box
hellomynameisadam: Rapture Game Box
hellomynameisadam: Lick Your Wounds Contents
hellomynameisadam: The Actual Candy
hellomynameisadam: The Application
hellomynameisadam: Lick Your Wounds Box
hellomynameisadam: Lick Your Wounds Box