hellomumu / Taiwan:
綠瓢蠟蟬 Tonga westwoodi (Signoret ,1862)
hellomumu / Taiwan:
台灣弧角蟬 Telangana formosana
hellomumu / Taiwan:
黃斑椿象 Erthesina fullo (Thunberg, 1783 )
hellomumu / Taiwan:
黃斑椿象 Erthesina fullo (Thunberg, 1783 )
hellomumu / Taiwan:
The wing scales of butterfly
hellomumu / Taiwan:
The wing scales of butterfly
hellomumu / Taiwan:
The wing scales of butterfly
hellomumu / Taiwan:
My micrography setup
hellomumu / Taiwan:
Mitutoyo microobjective
hellomumu / Taiwan:
Salt crystals 粗鹽的結晶
hellomumu / Taiwan:
Coffee beans 咖啡豆的切面
hellomumu / Taiwan:
Bird feathers 鳥的羽毛
hellomumu / Taiwan:
The wing scales of butterfly ( Smyrna blomfildia ) 蝴蝶翅膀的鱗片
hellomumu / Taiwan:
The wing scales of butterfly ( Smyrna blomfildia ) 蝴蝶翅膀的鱗片
hellomumu / Taiwan:
The wing scales of butterfly ( 綠劍尾燕蛾 Urania leilus ) 蝴蝶翅膀的鱗片
hellomumu / Taiwan:
The wing scales of butterfly ( Smyrna blomfildia ) 蝴蝶翅膀的鱗片
hellomumu / Taiwan:
The wing scales of butterfly ( Smyrna blomfildia ) 蝴蝶翅膀的鱗片
hellomumu / Taiwan:
The wing scales of butterfly ( Smyrna blomfildia )
hellomumu / Taiwan:
The wing scales of butterfly ( 綠劍尾燕蛾 Urania leilus )
hellomumu / Taiwan:
The wing scales of butterfly ( Smyrna blomfildia )