hellolivj: Cassie (my coworker)
hellolivj: Fall leaves
hellolivj: Cassie (my coworker)
hellolivj: Dental College campus
hellolivj: Dental College campus
hellolivj: Dental College campus
hellolivj: Dental College campus
hellolivj: Magnolia Blooms
hellolivj: M4H 12/52 :: Sparkle
hellolivj: PTM 10/52 :: Monochrome Tones
hellolivj: M4H Project 52 :: 9/52 :: Color 2
hellolivj: PTM 9/52 :: Is That You, Spring?
hellolivj: Out with the old, in with the new
hellolivj: Trees Budding
hellolivj: Little Pink Buds
hellolivj: Pink Bootie Blossoms
hellolivj: The Perfect Daffodil
hellolivj: White Blossoms
hellolivj: Complimentary Spring Colors
hellolivj: Yellow Tulip Trees
hellolivj: White Blossoms
hellolivj: Purple Flowers
hellolivj: Purple Flowers
hellolivj: White Blossoms
hellolivj: Spring Blooms
hellolivj: Spring Blooms
hellolivj: Spring Blooms
hellolivj: Spring Blooms
hellolivj: Spring Blooms
hellolivj: Spring Blooms