thewanderingeater: “Jiang Nan” style cold appetizers 江南精美九宫碟(位) - sweet small river shrimp, yam, duck tongue, crunchy pickled pigs ears, two different types of Chinese style charcuterie, shiitake mushrooms with pine nuts
thewanderingeater: Deep-fried Mandarin fish with sweet and sour sauce 松鼠桂鱼(例) covered in pine nuts and peas
thewanderingeater: Braised home made tofu, Baishuiyang style 绿杨特色煮干丝(例)
thewanderingeater: Chicken with pork trotters in casserole 江淮砂锅神仙鸡(例), after cutting the chicken
thewanderingeater: Marbled tangyuan (glutinous rice dumplings in sweet soup) with dingsheng 'victory' cake 雨花石汤圆,定胜糕
thewanderingeater: Homemade noodles served with pickled vegetables and fish broth 雪里蕻鱼汤手工面(位)
thewanderingeater: Wild edible manna lichen meatball soup 野生石耳狮子头(位)
thewanderingeater: Pouring water onto the tray containing dry ice for the sauteed hand peeled river shrimp with longjing tea 龙井手剥鲜虾仁( 例)
thewanderingeater: Bitten tangyuan (glutinous rice dumplings in sweet soup) 雨花石汤圆 filled with black sesame paste
thewanderingeater: Dingsheng 'victory' cake 定胜糕
thewanderingeater: Seasonal vegetables 时笋小菜心(例)
thewanderingeater: Braised home made tofu, Baishuiyang style 绿杨特色煮干丝(例)
thewanderingeater: Deep-fried Mandarin fish with sweet and sour sauce 松鼠桂鱼(例) covered in pine nuts and peas
thewanderingeater: Chicken with pork trotters in casserole 江淮砂锅神仙鸡(例)
thewanderingeater: Uncovering the casserole containing whole chicken and pig's feet 江淮砂锅神仙鸡(例)
thewanderingeater: Uncovering the casserole containing whole chicken and pig's feet 江淮砂锅神仙鸡(例)
thewanderingeater: Casserole containing whole chicken and pig's feet 江淮砂锅神仙鸡(例)
thewanderingeater: Wild edible manna lichen meatball soup 野生石耳狮子头(位)
thewanderingeater: Sauce dish containing vinegar for the sauteed hand peeled river shrimp with longjing tea 龙井手剥鲜虾仁( 例)
thewanderingeater: Sauteed hand peeled river shrimp with longjing tea 龙井手剥鲜虾仁( 例)
thewanderingeater: Sauteed hand peeled river shrimp with longjing tea 龙井手剥鲜虾仁( 例)
thewanderingeater: “Jiang Nan” style cold appetizers 江南精美九宫碟(位) - sweet small river shrimp, yam, duck tongue, crunchy pickled pigs ears, two different types of Chinese style charcuterie, shiitake mushrooms with pine nuts
thewanderingeater: Interior of River Drunk
thewanderingeater: Interior of River Drunk
thewanderingeater: Interior of River Drunk
thewanderingeater: Interior of River Drunk
thewanderingeater: Fresh watermelon, golden kiwi, dragonfruit and grapes
thewanderingeater: “Jiang Nan” style cold appetizers 江南精美九宫碟(位) - sweet small river shrimp, yam, duck tongue, crunchy pickled pigs ears, two different types of Chinese style charcuterie, shiitake mushrooms with pine nuts
thewanderingeater: River Drunk entrance