thewanderingeater: Dining room
thewanderingeater: Dining room
thewanderingeater: Chef’s Choice - Fried Venetian soft shell crabs; Raw red prawns with goat cheese, pomegranate reduction and sweet and sour endive; Sauteed scallops, pumpkin cream, violet coleslaw and dark chocolate sauce;
thewanderingeater: Raffioli de herbe - ravioli stuffed with sweet cheese, smoked ricotta cheese, herbs with raw sugar wafer
thewanderingeater: Spaghetti with cuttlefish
thewanderingeater: Torta Bianca Reale
thewanderingeater: Bisato in Ara - Baked eel with bay leaves and pepper
thewanderingeater: Duck breast, “Sauce Pevarada” with apple and red onion chutney
thewanderingeater: My Alexander Wang bag looking out to San Marco Piazza