thewanderingeater: Setting for afternoon tea at Xi Shi Lounge
thewanderingeater: Teas offered
thewanderingeater: Xi Shi Lounge
thewanderingeater: Beautiful orchids
thewanderingeater: Seating area near the lobby
thewanderingeater: Pouring my earl grey tea
thewanderingeater: My Original earl grey tea
thewanderingeater: Spiced ham, dijon mustard and arugula sandwich
thewanderingeater: Cinnamon pecan scone and raisin scone with orange preserves
thewanderingeater: Smoked Sockeye salmon, lemon caper and cream cheese spiral, cucumber with horseradish tea sandwich and Curried pink shrimp eclair
thewanderingeater: Afternoon tea spread and a live pianist playing in the background
thewanderingeater: Live pianist playing
thewanderingeater: Cranberry financier, Maple surgar tart au sucre, Mandarin white chocolate cremeux with crispy pearl (in shooter), Marzipan cookie
thewanderingeater: My friend's ceylon ginger tea