thewanderingeater: Pistachio-apricot tarts, pumpkin eclairs, yuzu tarts
thewanderingeater: Chocolate tarts and miniature tarts
thewanderingeater: Interior of the retail section
thewanderingeater: Chocolate almond croissants
thewanderingeater: Looking down to the kitchen
thewanderingeater: The bakery's books
thewanderingeater: Small Cardinal cake
thewanderingeater: Maison Kayser's mixed berries and yuzu eclairs
thewanderingeater: Yuzu tart, apple tart and pineapple mint juice
thewanderingeater: Pumpkin eclair
thewanderingeater: Quinoa bread, seeded bread and a seasonal Pumpernickel & Cider bread
thewanderingeater: Large praline brioche
thewanderingeater: Various financiers and pain au chocolat
thewanderingeater: New eclair flavors of pumpkin, mixed berries and yuzu
thewanderingeater: Pain au chocolat
thewanderingeater: Juices and cappuccino
thewanderingeater: Breakfast for me and a friend
thewanderingeater: My Cardinal birthday cake from Maison Kayser