thewanderingeater: At the courtyard of 1949 The Hidden City complex
thewanderingeater: At the courtyard of 1949 The Hidden City complex
thewanderingeater: Table setting at the sushi bar
thewanderingeater: Seki saba - a fattier version of the sadman
thewanderingeater: Tomato in tuna sauce
thewanderingeater: Boiled peanut with cuttlefish noodles and shiso
thewanderingeater: Tempura of towel squash stuffed with shrimp and uni, towel squash leaf dusted with ube powder
thewanderingeater: Me holding my sweet shrimp sushi
thewanderingeater: Sanma (Mackerel Pike) sushi
thewanderingeater: Sanma (Mackerel Pike) sushi
thewanderingeater: Max Levy, Chef/Owner of Okra
thewanderingeater: Our plates of tuna cheek with rib
thewanderingeater: Frozen shiso topped with salted plum
thewanderingeater: Black sesame ice cream
thewanderingeater: Belon oyster topped with Buddha hand broth, shiso and scallion
thewanderingeater: Chef Levy pouring the Buddha hand broth on top of the Belon oyster
thewanderingeater: Belon oyster topped with Buddha hand broth, shiso and scallion
thewanderingeater: Yellowtail sushi
thewanderingeater: Cold edamame soup, smoked uni with praying mantis shrimp
thewanderingeater: Sweet shrimp with Kaffir lime zest
thewanderingeater: Tempura of towel squash stuffed with shrimp and uni, towel squash leaf dusted with ube powder
thewanderingeater: Seki saba (a type of mackerel) - a fattier version of the sadman
thewanderingeater: Okra signage
thewanderingeater: Tomato in tuna sauce
thewanderingeater: Freshwater eel
thewanderingeater: Gazpacho dashi, seawater foam, osetra caviar from Szechuan
thewanderingeater: Chu toro with charred bamboo salt
thewanderingeater: Frozen shiso topped with salted plum