hellocopter: look over there
hellocopter: straight up g
hellocopter: how could you ever hurt an animal?
hellocopter: stunna shades
hellocopter: hair ties ARE the enemy
hellocopter: prolific
hellocopter: swagger
hellocopter: happy chicken
hellocopter: angel and demon
hellocopter: lazy cat
hellocopter: friends?
hellocopter: what do you want, mutt?
hellocopter: photosynthesis
hellocopter: proud predator
hellocopter: the little lion and his kill
hellocopter: suspicious
hellocopter: I got your bad right here.
hellocopter: Fluffylicious
hellocopter: I am Jack's Smirking Revenge
hellocopter: a face only a mother could love
hellocopter: Those eyes
hellocopter: Puff your chest out and hold your head high
hellocopter: Rugged
hellocopter: Think Pink 1/52
hellocopter: Slip of the tongue 2/52
hellocopter: Vampire Bat 3/52
hellocopter: She said what!?
hellocopter: Chasing pavements
hellocopter: Blue eyed boy 6/52