hellaOAKLAND: Project 365 : Day 1 of 365 - Belgian food
hellaOAKLAND: Day 2 of 365 Project : organizing photos on flickr
hellaOAKLAND: Day 3 of 365 Project : chocolate fondant
hellaOAKLAND: Day 4 of 365 Project : waffle or grilled cheese sandwich ?
hellaOAKLAND: Day 5 of 365 Project : Miss Independent
hellaOAKLAND: Day 6 of 365 : It's my brownie
hellaOAKLAND: Day 7 of 365 Project - Meetup.com
hellaOAKLAND: Day 8 of 365 Project - Dole banana vending machine
hellaOAKLAND: Day 9 of 365 Project : shea lip butter
hellaOAKLAND: Day 10 of 365 Project : packed macaroons
hellaOAKLAND: Day 11 if 365 Project : Puttanesca isnt' popular - fettucinni alla puttanesca
hellaOAKLAND: Day 12 of 365 Project : I'm a Witch
hellaOAKLAND: Day 13 of 365 Project - Map for Times Square
hellaOAKLAND: Day 14 of 365 Project - banana nut bread
hellaOAKLAND: Day 15 of Project 365 - OJ
hellaOAKLAND: Day 16 of Project 365 - Christmas pie crust cookies
hellaOAKLAND: Day 17 of Project 365 - Rose, steak, and wine lunch
hellaOAKLAND: Day 18 of Project 365 - Korean - checks in 100s
hellaOAKLAND: Day 19 of Project 365 - Killing the Pain
hellaOAKLAND: Day 20 of Project 365 - FOOD PORN - The best croissant in Seoul is from The Old Croissant Factory in Hongdae
hellaOAKLAND: Day 21 of Project 365 - Street Food ! ---- Samcheong-dong, Seoul on a winter night
hellaOAKLAND: Day 22 of Project 365 - Looking out our hostel window Phoenix Park ski resort in Korea
hellaOAKLAND: Day 23 of project365 - Freaking out over Project 365
hellaOAKLAND: Day 24 of Project 365 - Grand Canyon research
hellaOAKLAND: Day 25 of Project 365 - Dole Banana from a vending machine in Seoul, Korea
hellaOAKLAND: Day 26 of Project 365 - Diary from B
hellaOAKLAND: Day 27 of 365 Project - To return or not to return the sauerkraut?
hellaOAKLAND: Day 28 of project 365 - German food at Barlin in Seoul, Korea
hellaOAKLAND: Day 29 of Project 365 - Jocoby's Burger in Seoul
hellaOAKLAND: Day 30 of Project 365 - my eye lid area wouldn't stop twitching