hellaOAKLAND: "IN" ----- Imperial Palace Hotel Seoul, Korea 2009
hellaOAKLAND: Verona at Imperial Palace Hotel Seoul, Korea 2009
hellaOAKLAND: Menu at Verona
hellaOAKLAND: my menu
hellaOAKLAND: our private area at Verona
hellaOAKLAND: Verona at Imperial Palace Hotel Seoul, Korea 2009
hellaOAKLAND: too many forks
hellaOAKLAND: Verona at Imperial Palace Hotel Seoul, Korea 2009
hellaOAKLAND: M's plate -- looks yummy and pretty...I didn't get any =(
hellaOAKLAND: Verona at Imperial Palace Hotel Seoul, Korea 2009
hellaOAKLAND: Verona at Imperial Palace Hotel Seoul, Korea 2009
hellaOAKLAND: Verona at Imperial Palace Hotel Seoul, Korea 2009
hellaOAKLAND: Verona at Imperial Palace Hotel Seoul, Korea 2009
hellaOAKLAND: Verona at Imperial Palace Hotel Seoul, Korea 2009
hellaOAKLAND: I got soup instead
hellaOAKLAND: M's clams
hellaOAKLAND: folded pizza.....very good...it was Unni's but she shared it with us
hellaOAKLAND: my salad
hellaOAKLAND: Verona at Imperial Palace Hotel Seoul, Korea 2009
hellaOAKLAND: my Wa Gyu rib eye steak at Verona -- Wa Guy rib eye steak
hellaOAKLAND: M's steak, lamb and chicken at Verona
hellaOAKLAND: M's steak, lamb and chicken at Verona
hellaOAKLAND: beef tenderloin -- Unni's main course
hellaOAKLAND: close up-- Wa Gyu rib eye steak
hellaOAKLAND: beef tenderloin -- Unni's main course
hellaOAKLAND: Verona at Imperial Palace Hotel Seoul, Korea 2009
hellaOAKLAND: my dessert -- I'm so mad that I didn't get my chocolate...wish I saw the menu when I was ordering...=( well, M ordered for me
hellaOAKLAND: M's dessert -- just vanilla ice cream
hellaOAKLAND: my dessert