hellaOAKLAND: my students getting their hands dried by Andre - one of their teachers for the day
hellaOAKLAND: faux food display
hellaOAKLAND: neat job on the jam (4th grader)
hellaOAKLAND: kitchen at Yeongju English Center in Yeongju, Korea
hellaOAKLAND: evaluations - Tae Joon's sheet
hellaOAKLAND: a tiny shop near Yeongju English Center...sadly they didnt' have any chocolates inside =(
hellaOAKLAND: but they did have this funny ass poster! (read it)
hellaOAKLAND: After the kids went home: the English teachers (the 3 of us) went to Dunkin Donuts to get a drink...and I had to use the bathroom...the door was tiny! even for me! and I'm pretty damn small! That's my bag on the door knob
hellaOAKLAND: tiny bathroom door..if you weigh more than 150 pounds you will probably can't get in!