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Up Helly Aa 2010 by Helen F H
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Helen F H
Jarl Squad
Helen F H
Burning of the longship
Helen F H
Torches adding to the flames
Helen F H
Up in flames
Helen F H
The assembled masses
Helen F H
An axe in the flames
Helen F H
Image of years ago
Helen F H
Burning man
Helen F H
The death of the longship
Helen F H
Up Helly Aa fireworks
Helen F H
The massed squads and the burning boat
Helen F H
Flame torches in the dark
Helen F H
Flame and darkness
Helen F H
Helen F H
Jarl Squad parade
Helen F H
Jarl Squad parade
Helen F H
Axes drawn
Helen F H
Torch parade of the 2010 Jarl Squad
Helen F H
In the Halls
Helen F H
Storm Troopers UHA 2010
Helen F H
Funky Troopers
Helen F H
Darth Dance
Helen F H
Stavros Flatley...sort of
Helen F H
Top Gear do Lerwick
Helen F H
Pretty in Pink?
Helen F H
Jarl Sqad Helmet 2010
Helen F H
Jarl Squad Helmet 2010
Helen F H
Guizer Jarl 2010
Helen F H
Guizer Jarl in the TA hall
Helen F H
Guizer Jarl 2010 outside the park
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