helenhill_HH: A New York Bus Ride
helenhill_HH: Bergdorf Goodman Window I fell in Love with
helenhill_HH: A Ticket for the Carousel
helenhill_HH: A Home for the Homeless
helenhill_HH: Mermaid Parade Coney island
helenhill_HH: Tatoo Mermaid...
helenhill_HH: ITS for YOU....
helenhill_HH: Hold Up at Chinese Takeout
helenhill_HH: my mind in the gutter....
helenhill_HH: commuter fist
helenhill_HH: Far Away eyes...
helenhill_HH: Subway Groove
helenhill_HH: Michael Gordon: The Creator of Bumble+Bumble and The Producer of 'Vidal Sassoon ' The Movie
helenhill_HH: a View from the 42nd Floor...
helenhill_HH: Workin' Man's Blues
helenhill_HH: 'Back on Track'....
helenhill_HH: a Sweeeet Passerby