livin the dream*: face in the rock ~ Dewstow Gardens
livin the dream*: Statue ~ Dewstow Gardens
livin the dream*: Statue - Dewstow Gardens
livin the dream*: Dewstow Gardens ~ WFC meet
livin the dream*: Dewstow Gardens
livin the dream*: stained glass reflection
livin the dream*: fairy statue ~ Dewstow Gardens
livin the dream*: robin on statue ~ Dewstow Gardens
livin the dream*: yellow skunk cabbage - Dewstow Gardens
livin the dream*: Snowdrops ~ Dewstow Gardens
livin the dream*: Capt' Gorgeous - WFC photomeet
livin the dream*: Capt' Gorgeous & Time Grabber - WFC photomeet
livin the dream*: Dewstow Gardens ~ WFC photomeet
livin the dream*: Statue ~ Dewstow Gardens
livin the dream*: The Aligator Grotto ~ Dewstow Gardens
livin the dream*: Bamboo ~ Dewstow Gardens
livin the dream*: Capt' Gorgeous on the Roman Wall, Caerwent
livin the dream*: Palm Tree ~ Dewstow Gardens
livin the dream*: pond at Dewstow Gardens
livin the dream*: Spring flowers ~ Dewstow Gardens