heidi.swift: David Wilcox acquired some LEGIT blisters.
heidi.swift: Blister pillows!
heidi.swift: Camp Winnie Day 2. Streb prepares. The Haitian riders gather pre-start.
heidi.swift: Feed zone.
heidi.swift: Wilcox and Steve Z helping me dial in fork pressure for the long, bumpy descent ahead.
heidi.swift: The LCC Riders looking serious!
heidi.swift: Steve Z and Jenny Fletcher.
heidi.swift: Rick Sutton, race director. Duct-taping his BROKEN foot so he could ride moto on the final stage. GNARLY.
heidi.swift: Romain Briey. We nicknamed him "The Smoker". We were constantly astounded by is ability to ride (fast) in between cigarettes.
heidi.swift: Our tents at Camp Winnie, elevation 6,000 feet.
heidi.swift: Pre-race with Jenny Fletcher and Robert Wes Carlyon
heidi.swift: Breakfast prep.
heidi.swift: Good luck omen?
heidi.swift: Camp Winnie.
heidi.swift: Yoga with dogs.
heidi.swift: Podium backdrop.
heidi.swift: Support team.
heidi.swift: Race prep at Camp Winnie.
heidi.swift: Tommy Southerland. I love this guy.
heidi.swift: PUPPY!!!!
heidi.swift: My tent roommate was a f*cking supermodel. Really. She also crushes people in Ironmans regularly. I give you the lovely Jenny Fletcher.
heidi.swift: Port au Prince Barber Shop
heidi.swift: Jesus lives.
heidi.swift: Genesis!
heidi.swift: Neg Mawon Statue - symbol of Haitian freedom
heidi.swift: 20130206untitled-5-4.jpg
heidi.swift: Port au Prince
heidi.swift: Medical support crew. BIG LOVE for Global Dirt.