heidi.swift: Post-race interview.
heidi.swift: D makes the ladies weep.
heidi.swift: Hometown crowd welcomes him home.
heidi.swift: Damian Schmitt.
heidi.swift: Schmitt-19
heidi.swift: Chasing.
heidi.swift: Schmitt-17
heidi.swift: Amber Clark gets rabid. Super fan!
heidi.swift: Chasing.
heidi.swift: Schmitt-14
heidi.swift: Schmitt-13
heidi.swift: Schmitt-12
heidi.swift: Digging deep.
heidi.swift: Making up ground after and early crash.
heidi.swift: Schmitt-9
heidi.swift: Schmitt-8
heidi.swift: Super fans in capes cheer D on!
heidi.swift: Schmitt-6
heidi.swift: Schmitt-5
heidi.swift: Coming in hot in 4th place in the first lap.
heidi.swift: Solid start.
heidi.swift: Start line with the Fan Club!
heidi.swift: Game face.