heidilikescake: Juno and Ruca play
heidilikescake: Juno and Ruca play
heidilikescake: puppy Ruca
heidilikescake: look at the ears!
heidilikescake: I's thursty
heidilikescake: beautiful Juno
heidilikescake: beautiful Juno
heidilikescake: beautiful Juno
heidilikescake: Juno and Ruca play
heidilikescake: Juno and Ruca play
heidilikescake: Juno and Ruca play
heidilikescake: Juno and Ruca play
heidilikescake: sangria at applebees
heidilikescake: too cute
heidilikescake: Shannie and puppy
heidilikescake: the last 2 at the snack table
heidilikescake: Shannie and Juno
heidilikescake: Shannie and Joni
heidilikescake: Shannie and cousins
heidilikescake: Shannie and Renee
heidilikescake: Shannie and cousins
heidilikescake: due in 2 weeks!
heidilikescake: "apple with legs"
heidilikescake: wish I thought of this slogan
heidilikescake: fam and friends
heidilikescake: Jess and Marjorie