Postcards1: Arashiyama sent
Postcards1: Daigo-ji Temple
Postcards1: Ginkakuji sent
Postcards1: Heian Shrine
Postcards1: Kannon Statues of Sanjusangen-do sent
Postcards1: Kinkakuji sent
Postcards1: Kiyomizu Dera Temple sent
Postcards1: Nijo Castle sent
Postcards1: Rock Garden Ryoanji Temple
Postcards1: Sanzen-In Garden Sent
Postcards1: Yasaka Pagoda sent
Postcards1: Arashiyama 2
Postcards1: Byodoin
Postcards1: Daimonji Bonfire
Postcards1: Garden of Katsura Imperial Villa
Postcards1: Ginkakuji 2 sent
Postcards1: Gion Festival, Kyoto sent
Postcards1: Heian 2 sent to Miceu
Postcards1: Kikakuji 2 gone for now
Postcards1: Kiyomizu 2
Postcards1: Kyoto Imperial Palace 2
Postcards1: Kyoto International Conference Hall
Postcards1: Kyoto Tower
Postcards1: Maiko 10
Postcards1: Mt Hiei Drive Way
Postcards1: Nijo Castle gone for now
Postcards1: Ryoanji 2
Postcards1: Saga Field sent
Postcards1: Saiho-ji Moss Garden
Postcards1: Sanjusangendo sent