HeidiCoffer: Fireworks Joy
HeidiCoffer: Layla on the big tractor
HeidiCoffer: Raven rides the big tractor
HeidiCoffer: Layla operates the remote cars
HeidiCoffer: Forrest dining outside
HeidiCoffer: Pond dock
HeidiCoffer: Girls on the dock
HeidiCoffer: Eating outside
HeidiCoffer: Forrest's spider bitten finger
HeidiCoffer: Forrest in mid-jump
HeidiCoffer: The girls snacking
HeidiCoffer: Forrest eats
HeidiCoffer: P reading Harry Potter to the girls
HeidiCoffer: Raven on the hammock
HeidiCoffer: Peony bush
HeidiCoffer: Grandma's Peony
HeidiCoffer: Layla rides the yamaha
HeidiCoffer: Forrest at the ranch
HeidiCoffer: Kids on the dock 2
HeidiCoffer: Kids on the pond dock
HeidiCoffer: Forrest at Lake McGregor
HeidiCoffer: Forrest boat joy
HeidiCoffer: Layla rides in front
HeidiCoffer: Raven drives the boat
HeidiCoffer: Raven standing on the glassy water
HeidiCoffer: Forrest
HeidiCoffer: Raven tubes!
HeidiCoffer: Forrest on the boat
HeidiCoffer: Raven on the tube