heidi_K: Indooroopilly Golf Course
heidi_K: Mangrove mud
heidi_K: The group - the explorers
heidi_K: Indooroopilly Golf Course
heidi_K: Flying fox
heidi_K: Mangrove
heidi_K: Photographers in the mangrove
heidi_K: Martin
heidi_K: Flying foxes
heidi_K: Flying foxes
heidi_K: Flying foxes
heidi_K: Flying foxes
heidi_K: Flying foxes
heidi_K: Huge spider
heidi_K: Bat colony
heidi_K: Bat colony
heidi_K: Bat colony
heidi_K: Flying fox
heidi_K: Guido and Jörn
heidi_K: Martin under the mangroves
heidi_K: Indooroopilly Golf Course
heidi_K: Indooroopilly Golf Course
heidi_K: Indooroopilly Golf Course