Ray Duffill: Red Steampunk.
Ray Duffill: Steamed Punk
Ray Duffill: Red Stilt Walker Hull Parade
Ray Duffill: Mannequin in the spotlight!
Ray Duffill: Red Lion
Ray Duffill: Glasses water drops.
Ray Duffill: Light paint wire wool spinning with yellow clog
Ray Duffill: Green eyed graffiti
Ray Duffill: Purple-pink furry plant
Ray Duffill: Shadow Play colour toned
Ray Duffill: Deckled Example
Ray Duffill: Red tulips
Ray Duffill: Look to the Sky!
Ray Duffill: Green fly
Ray Duffill: Alien - We are not alone!
Ray Duffill: Three Orange Love Heart-eyes Emojis
Ray Duffill: Green paint twirl
Ray Duffill: Colours of Chickatita Collage panorama
Ray Duffill: Colour My World Daily BUGS challenge.
Ray Duffill: The Mask
Ray Duffill: Orange bloom and reflection
Ray Duffill: Lines and curves
Ray Duffill: The Red Rocker
Ray Duffill: Eddie Ballet Dancer
Ray Duffill: Christmas Ostrips!
Ray Duffill: Yellow leaf Ttartisan 50mm f1.2
Ray Duffill: Eddie reaches for the stars - or snowflake - bokeh
Ray Duffill: B&W Skeleton under the net!
Ray Duffill: David and his shadow!