Ray Duffill:
Ray Duffill:
Nice 2b Nice Certificate Presentation.
Ray Duffill:
Nice 2b Nice Certificate Presentation.
Ray Duffill:
Nice 2b Nice Certificate Presentation.
Ray Duffill:
Jess Hoe and singer
Ray Duffill:
Peppa Pig and Terry Megeary
Ray Duffill:
Holderness Lions
Ray Duffill:
Preston WI
Ray Duffill:
Vintage Car and Martin.
Ray Duffill:
Burnsy Opens Show
Ray Duffill:
Clay rabbits
Ray Duffill:
Holderness Performers
Ray Duffill:
Model undersea creature by Chester.
Ray Duffill:
Preston Show Marquee Nag's Head
Ray Duffill:
Puppets by Harry Burton
Ray Duffill:
Sarah Freer and Louis.
Ray Duffill:
Stanley's ice cream.
Ray Duffill:
Angela Brown rose
Ray Duffill:
Celia Elliot fruitloaf
Ray Duffill:
Charles Fulford for Onions
Ray Duffill:
Corol Wathall fruit gin
Ray Duffill:
Corol Wathall mis-shaped vegetable
Ray Duffill:
Eleanor Littlejohn flowers
Ray Duffill:
Eleanor Littlejohn vase perrennials
Ray Duffill:
Four tomatoes
Ray Duffill:
Fruit scones
Ray Duffill:
Geoff Catterick photography
Ray Duffill:
Graham Matson marigolds
Ray Duffill:
Graham Matson
Ray Duffill:
Helen Harrison