peggyhr: Pano: Praia da Galé (Leste) beach, rocks & cave (+5)
ian_woodhead1: Help, I'm stuck
AndyPollardFalklands: Posing Ground-tyrant
Meino NL: Goudfazant haan /Golden pheasant Cock
judi may: 2/100: Flaming flora
judi may: 3/100: Sweet Chrysanthemum
adric1010: enyoing a splendid place
Hannah 0013: Ring - rosed Parakeet
Hannah 0013: Red-billed Quelea ... ♂
Flickr: December Explore Takeover Highlights - YBS 2024
Samuel Gillman: Aurora borealis with its characteristic wave in the distance
Samuel Gillman: Aurora borealis with its characteristic wave
Samuel Gillman: Aurora borealis with red and green directly above
Samuel Gillman: Aurora borealis with all 3 colors
roba66: Griechenland, Greece - Insel Rhodos, Filerimos,Kreuzgang, 23301
roba66: Griechenland, Greece - Insel Rhodos, Filerimos, Kreuzritterbasilika , 23303
roba66: Griechenland, Greece - Insel Rhodos, Filerimos, Kreuzgang, 23304
maartenappel: Toch nog licht
Albert Wirtz @ Landscape and Nature Photography: *Die Schafweide am Ortsrand im Winternebel*
Irene Ruysch: Winter sun
sharon.verkuilen: Lion pride - Loisaba Conservancy, Kenya
PeeblesPair: The Fisherman's Song
Jane Anastasia Studio: ....Twillingate, Nfld.......
Elliot Margolies: singular tree
Meino NL: Meeuw/Seagull