Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
harts tongue DSCF3193
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
harts tongue DSCF3197
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
harts tongue DSCF3198
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
harts tongue DSCF3194
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
harts tongue DSCF3192
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
hartstongue DSCF2832
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
under side of polypody fern DSCF2839
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
polypody fern growing from the trunk of an elder DSCF2829
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
polypody fern DSCF2838
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
polypody fern DSCF2834
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
hearts tongue ? DSCF2831
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
Fern DSCF2834
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
Fern DSCF2828
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
Fern DSCF2839
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
Fern DSCF2838
Pete Birch hedgerowmobile:
Fern DSCF2835