hedbavny: Exhibition Room Closed Due to the Installation of a New Exhibition - Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg
hedbavny: Empty Chair for Franz Zadrazil - Version for onkel_wart
hedbavny: Empty Chair for Franz Zadrazil
hedbavny: Franz Zadrazil Exhibition Essl Museum - Sammlung Essl Klosterneuburg
hedbavny: Corners of Big Freight. An Abstraction -- Detail of an Edge of: Anselm Kiefer "Die große Fracht" - Museum Essl, Contemporary Art
hedbavny: Anselm Kiefer: "Die große Fracht" - Profile of Big Freight - Museum Essl of Contemporary Art
hedbavny: Anselm Kiefer "Die große Fracht" - Essl Museum of Contemporary Art
hedbavny: Anselm Kiefer "Die große Fracht" at Essl Museum of Contemporary Art Klosterneuburg - Profile of the Big Freight
hedbavny: The Big Freight - Profil View: Anselm Kiefer "Die große Fracht" at Essl Museum of Contemporary Art
hedbavny: Big Freight - Profil View, Detail: Anselm Kiefer "Die große Fracht" at Essl Museum, Contemporary Art
hedbavny: 15. 5. 2015: 1955 Signing Ceremony Austrian Independency Treaty / picked up stone / visited Essl Museum Peter Pongratz Retrospektive, Neue Wilde, Gugging Gästebuch Leo Navratil - "an apple a day keeps the doctor away - An ENSO (kreis) a Day ..."
hedbavny: Adolf Frohner: "Art does not have to be beautiful. But it has to be necessary" "The Spider" clay, iron, rope Essl Museum Klosterneuburg "Die Spinne" "Kunst muß nicht schön sein. Aber sie muß notwendig sein"
hedbavny: Adolf Frohner "A Man Shows His Wounds" correct depiction of the wounds caused by a crucifixion "Ein Mann zeigt seine Wunden" korrekt platzierte Wunden einer Kreuzigung durch die Handgelenke, nicht durch die Handflächen - Essl Museum Klosterneuburg
hedbavny: "an apple a day keeps the doctor away - An ENSO (circle) a Day ..." 27. Nov 2014: "Globetrotter - Adventure Art" Exhibition Essl Museum Kunst der Gegenwart "weltenbummler abenteuer kunst" - Café Konditorei Lintner - Kreis: Tinte J. Herbin bleu azur
hedbavny: "an apple a day keeps the doctor away - An ENSO (circle) a Day ..." 4. Okt 14: Essl Museum, Painting by Hans Staudacher "Blue Illusion - Blue Feelings at David Lane" My father: "I never had blue feelings like this, while I was working at David Lane"
hedbavny: REID STRELOW 50 Plumb Bobs, 2012 / Gedrechseltes Zedernholz // turned cedarwood - Essl Museum Kunst der Gegenwart / Contemporary Art - Klosterneuburg
hedbavny: REID STRELOW 50 Plumb Bobs, 2012 / Gedrechseltes Zedernholz // turned cedarwood - Essl Museum Kunst der Gegenwart / Contemporary Art - Klosterneuburg
hedbavny: "an apple a day keeps the doctor away - An ENSO (Japanese: circle, kreis) a Day ..." 24. Februar 2015: Aboriginal Art (Essl Museum Klosterneuburg) - Circle: white dots . Profiterol, Brandteigkrapferl "Bontà divina" vom Merkur
hedbavny: Sequel: Weaver Market Weber-Markt Haslach an der Mühl: Fund Rosenblatt weiß (Kunstblume), gratis Filz Schnitt Rest blau Geschenk: Haarspange Holz Ansgar C. Essler, Friedenthal Westbahnhof "an apple a day keeps the doctor away - An ENSO a Day 26. Juli 2015
hedbavny: Weaver Market Weber-Markt Haslach an der Mühl - gratis Filz Schnitt Rest - Serviette Stiftskeller Stift Schlägl, Geschenk: Haarspange Holz: Ansgar C. Essler - "an apple a day keeps the doctor away - An ENSO (Japanese: circle, kreis) a Day ..." 25. Juli 20
hedbavny: Essl Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst: Wiener Aktionismus - Valie Export Brus Schwarzkogler Nitsch