hedbavny: Unanswered Request for a Painting
hedbavny: Empty Space on the wall, yearning for a painting - Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
hedbavny: Exhibition Room Closed Due to the Installation of a New Exhibition - Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg
hedbavny: Insights into Empty Exhibition Rooms - Preparing for "Klimt up close - images, letters, insights" - Museum Leopold Vienna - "Gustav Klimt persönlich - Bilder Briefe Einsichten"
hedbavny: Unanswered Request for a Painting - Window Glass Cube Mirror -Fenster Glas Würfel Spiegel - Museum Leopold, MQ
hedbavny: Unanswered Request for a Painting
hedbavny: Full Emptiness -- Empty Vitrine - Museum of Natural History Vienna - Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
hedbavny: Full Emptiness -- Empty Vitrine - Museum of Natural History Vienna - Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
hedbavny: Full Emptiness -- Empty Vitrine - Museum of Natural History Vienna - Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
hedbavny: BLOCKED
hedbavny: BLOCKED
hedbavny: Self-reflection Empty Vitrine -- Egyptian Collection Museum of Fine Arts Vienna -- Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Ägyptische Sammlung
hedbavny: Self-reflection Empty Vitrine -- Egyptian Collection Museum of Fine Arts Vienna -- Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Ägyptische Sammlung
hedbavny: Aus dem Bauch - Me Sitting and Taking Pictures of the Empty Exhibition Room - Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
hedbavny: Me at the Empty Exhibition Room - Feet Still on the Floor - Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
hedbavny: Ingrid Hedbavny Trying to Fly through the Museum - For Tender and endangered Cow/Horse of Dimness
hedbavny: Hier entsteht eine neue Präsentation - Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
hedbavny: Waiting for a Picture - Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
hedbavny: The Empty Space besides the two Paintings hooded with an Old Cut Sheet Autumn-Winter - Unanswered Request for a Painting - Kimono Schnittmuster Musterbogen
hedbavny: Empty Space besides two Pictures - Unanswered Request for a Painting
hedbavny: Gustav Klimt "Head of a Negro" Oil, Current Location Unknown.