hectichousehold: great blue heron woodcut print
hectichousehold: monochromatic monoprint self portrait
hectichousehold: great blue heron woodcut block
hectichousehold: koala woodcut block
hectichousehold: elephant woodcut plates
hectichousehold: collage self portrait
hectichousehold: koala woodcut print in color
hectichousehold: koala woodcut print in color
hectichousehold: elephant wood cut and chine colle
hectichousehold: elephant woodcut and chine colle
hectichousehold: framed mantis layer4
hectichousehold: framed mantis layer 5
hectichousehold: framed mantis layer 6
hectichousehold: framed mantis layer 7
hectichousehold: framed mantis layer 8
hectichousehold: framed mantis layer 11
hectichousehold: spoon shirt 2013 screen
hectichousehold: spoon shirts 2013
hectichousehold: spoon shirts 2013
hectichousehold: spoon shirts 2013
hectichousehold: spoon shirts 2013
hectichousehold: spoon shirts 2013
hectichousehold: overseas studies show
hectichousehold: overseas studies show
hectichousehold: overseas studies show collaborative book
hectichousehold: overseas studies show
hectichousehold: overseas studies show
hectichousehold: overseas studies show
hectichousehold: overseas studies show
hectichousehold: overseas study show