doctorhectic: Meena & James
doctorhectic: Opening
doctorhectic: Opening
doctorhectic: What is this?
doctorhectic: Lap sitting
doctorhectic: Lap sitting
doctorhectic: The Look
doctorhectic: The look
doctorhectic: Bella in charge of gifts
doctorhectic: Bella in charge of gifts
doctorhectic: 60D In-camera crappening
doctorhectic: Hands-full Molly
doctorhectic: Relief flipper
doctorhectic: Elysia
doctorhectic: Malena
doctorhectic: Kidlet prep
doctorhectic: Pile up
doctorhectic: Same place at the same time
doctorhectic: Chuck to go
doctorhectic: Happy?
doctorhectic: Tipsy times
doctorhectic: Smiling at uncertainty
doctorhectic: Phone for you
doctorhectic: When you're not looking, I steal the baby.
doctorhectic: Head bonk is imminent