doctorhectic: the Lee with the G'n'T
doctorhectic: blowback on my camera offensive
doctorhectic: together again
doctorhectic: Mingling
doctorhectic: the Lapplander and the GuestLapse
doctorhectic: Dad's office
doctorhectic: Dad and the dancing Tompte
doctorhectic: let's eat
doctorhectic: dinnertime
doctorhectic: the diners
doctorhectic: dessert
doctorhectic: linda, lee, david, & sonja
doctorhectic: molly & lee
doctorhectic: molly & lee
doctorhectic: molly, david, & lee
doctorhectic: Lee & Alex
doctorhectic: Jan, Alex, Lee
doctorhectic: Lee, Alex, Maebel, Bertil, Eric, Jan
doctorhectic: svenskakorvfesten
doctorhectic: svenskakorvfesten
doctorhectic: svenskakorvfesten
doctorhectic: svenskakorvfesten