doctorhectic: cool building
doctorhectic: Quarter Bar
doctorhectic: the patio
doctorhectic: Val & Noah
doctorhectic: back of the building
doctorhectic: patio lighting
doctorhectic: Booze and brownies
doctorhectic: Quarter Bar Baby Shower
doctorhectic: Emily & Rachel
doctorhectic: Emily & Rachel bubble toast
doctorhectic: Bubble toast
doctorhectic: Emily & Rachel bubble toast
doctorhectic: Emily & Noah
doctorhectic: Val takes a pic
doctorhectic: the hot food
doctorhectic: Quarter Bar bulb
doctorhectic: Susan explaining something
doctorhectic: Bitsy and the belly
doctorhectic: Emily explaining something
doctorhectic: candy gift bag
doctorhectic: Quarter Bar
doctorhectic: leftovers
doctorhectic: Emily & Rachel
doctorhectic: subway stoplight
doctorhectic: subway