doctorhectic: Batobus
doctorhectic: Seine side well wishers
doctorhectic: Tourist sandal
doctorhectic: Line for the stairs
doctorhectic: March of the Eiffel stairs
doctorhectic: Eiffel break
doctorhectic: line to the top
doctorhectic: park patrons
doctorhectic: ICE CREAM!
doctorhectic: Spoken word @ Shakespeare & Co.
doctorhectic: busted
doctorhectic: busted
doctorhectic: child labor?
doctorhectic: waiter
doctorhectic: scooter-friendly friendly-scooter
doctorhectic: sihlouettes
doctorhectic: sccooter bust
doctorhectic: Champs-Élysées
doctorhectic: hat in a café
doctorhectic: umbrella lovers
doctorhectic: Mr. Cigar
doctorhectic: nap on the Batobus
doctorhectic: the look
doctorhectic: Batobus
doctorhectic: mid-sneeze
doctorhectic: Make out session on the Batobus
doctorhectic: accordian