doctorhectic: Eastworks
doctorhectic: Eastworks
doctorhectic: Eastworks
doctorhectic: Eastworks
doctorhectic: Eastworks
doctorhectic: Eastworks
doctorhectic: Public seating in Eastworks
doctorhectic: Blue Moon in Eastworks
doctorhectic: Down the hall from Blue Moon
doctorhectic: Down the hall from Blue Moon
doctorhectic: Cool wall stickers
doctorhectic: Cool wall stickers
doctorhectic: Cool wall stickers
doctorhectic: Scary bunny
doctorhectic: Tin foil astronaut at the Apollo Grill in Eastworks
doctorhectic: Tin foil astronaut at the Apollo Grill in Eastworks
doctorhectic: Apollo Grill in Eastworks
doctorhectic: The record store that is always closed when I come to visit.
doctorhectic: Eastworks