doctorhectic: Dirty New Haven trains
doctorhectic: City Crab mascot, watching us as we ate.
doctorhectic: Subway
doctorhectic: Anne, camera at the ready.
doctorhectic: Anne and Forest
doctorhectic: Special in the minibar!
doctorhectic: minibargains!
doctorhectic: Just chillin' at the Holiday Inn
doctorhectic: Waiting for the one working elevator
doctorhectic: W. 33rd Street
doctorhectic: Bike stoplight
doctorhectic: No particular buildings
doctorhectic: Nut Castle!
doctorhectic: Project Runway, anyone?
doctorhectic: Why does the button have 5 holes?
doctorhectic: Red Lobster, one block down from Parsons
doctorhectic: Problems with the big screen
doctorhectic: Tyra's male-model-mobile
doctorhectic: Lucky for them it was in the 60s
doctorhectic: Taxi action!
doctorhectic: Lovely logo
doctorhectic: No, I don't know what it is, or what it does.
doctorhectic: Raise Plow!
doctorhectic: There's a cube up there...
doctorhectic: There's the cube!
doctorhectic: Street. With Taxis
doctorhectic: Abandon News, All Ye Who Enter Here
doctorhectic: Cousin Anne @ the destination of a pilgrimage.
doctorhectic: Me too.