doctorhectic: Gutting!
doctorhectic: Everybody gut now!
doctorhectic: Reach on in there!
doctorhectic: Bert, strangely timid, takes shelter in Brad's lap.
doctorhectic: Intense focus
doctorhectic: Orange food!
doctorhectic: Gutted!
doctorhectic: Dean works the wax.
doctorhectic: It takes a steady hand...
doctorhectic: The candle is placed...
doctorhectic: ...vented and everything...
doctorhectic: ...ready to rock and/or roll!
doctorhectic: A pumpkin by any other name...
doctorhectic: Yikes!
doctorhectic: Brad and the Burninator.
doctorhectic: Angry and a Ghost.
doctorhectic: Stemmy!
doctorhectic: The award for Most Zig-Zags with a Blade goes to...
doctorhectic: The batkin
doctorhectic: My guy
doctorhectic: 3...2...1...
doctorhectic: LIGHTS OUT!
doctorhectic: Frowny
doctorhectic: Ghosty
doctorhectic: El Gordo del Diablo
doctorhectic: Toothy