anfearglas: Intro to London
anfearglas: Big Ben
anfearglas: The Boys under the Clock
anfearglas: The London Eye
anfearglas: 9:45
anfearglas: Boudica and her Daughters
anfearglas: Green Park
anfearglas: Buckingham in the Afternoon
anfearglas: Enjoying the Moment
anfearglas: Tourist, Like Pigeons, are Attracted to Monuments
anfearglas: Harvest
anfearglas: Canada Gate
anfearglas: The Other Old Vic
anfearglas: Wandering to Picadilly
anfearglas: Eros
anfearglas: Theatre Corner
anfearglas: The Red Boxes
anfearglas: I Hate Having My Picture Taken
anfearglas: HG Wells Abode
anfearglas: Sherlock Museum
anfearglas: 221B Baker Street
anfearglas: The Game's Afoot!
anfearglas: A Victorian Gentleman's Rooms
anfearglas: Maid at the Door
anfearglas: Police Warning
anfearglas: Are We Lost?
anfearglas: Underground Station
anfearglas: Punch & Pepys
anfearglas: Paella in Covent Gardens
anfearglas: Jubilee Market