heavdog: Big Giant Bra Ball
heavdog: Bra ball car
heavdog: Yep, a giant ball made of bras
heavdog: Bra balls disappear
heavdog: Someone to watch over me...
heavdog: Is that a moose?
heavdog: One of many
heavdog: Table Rock Landfill
heavdog: Smudge potpourri
heavdog: The view from the driver's seat
heavdog: underwater feet
heavdog: safety totem
heavdog: Garden sculptures
heavdog: Liberty? It went thataway...
heavdog: Operator Barbie
heavdog: Bareback Barbie
heavdog: Orchard Barbie
heavdog: Artichoke Barbie
heavdog: Drivin' Miss Barbie
heavdog: Toro Barbie
heavdog: Nude Beach Barbie
heavdog: Flower Power Barbie
heavdog: Barbie-Q
heavdog: Hot Tub Barbie
heavdog: knot
heavdog: john, paul, george or ringo?
heavdog: Marathoner
heavdog: Pulley