heathwitch: Clouds, sun, and rowan tree. Bliss. _______ #30DaysOfMidsummer #sky #sun #clouds #summer #rowan #mountainash #tree #sacredlife #beautyallaroundme #MotherNature #blessed #nofilter
heathwitch: These beautiful red flowers speak to me of love, passion, and playfulness in the summer sunshine. They are glorious and enchanting! :) _______ #30DaysOfMidsummer #love #passion #playful #sacredlife #beautyallaroundme #flowers #flowermagic #MotherNature #r
heathwitch: Throwback to the heat and stillness of Maui, on our honeymoon eight years ago. What an amazing trip -- would love to go back but long haul wheelchair travel makes me nervous. Still, looking back through the photos is amazing :) _______ #30DaysOfMidsummer
heathwitch: Loving how this fastia japonica is a shrine to the sun this afternoon -- just look at all that gloss and shine! _______ #30DaysOfMidsummer #sunshrine #sunshine #summer #fatsiajaponica #castoroilplant #japanesearalia #leaves #nofilter
heathwitch: I came across these beautiful flowers recently when visiting some gardens with my hubbie. So gorgeous! _______ #30DaysOfMidsummer #garden #flowers #sacredlife #beautyallaroundme #nofilter
heathwitch: "Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit, either." - Elizabeth Zimmerman . So #thankful for the act of #knitting to soothe frayed mind and heart, and for the good #friends who designed this #bead
heathwitch: Throwback to beautiful #StarOfBethlehem #flowers in #DrBach's garden at #MountVernon, April 2014. Love this remedy plant! #30DaysOfMidsummer #BachFlowerRemedies #BFRP #floweressences #emotionalhealing #flowermagic #nofilter #heathwitch
heathwitch: A passionate excess of #BakewellTart from a recent quiet meal out -- great #summer pudding! #30DaysOfMidsummer #food #wine #icecream #custard #pinogrigio #rosewine #delicious #dessert #onebreathatatime #heathwitch
heathwitch: I've not been well of late, and my weekend plans fell through, so hubbie brought me somewhere where the #summer #grass grows strong and tall, and the #sky goes on forever. #selfcare #30DaysOfMidsummer #Natureheals #emotionalhealing #freshair #MotherNature
heathwitch: I was particularly fascinated by this low bank of #cloud I spotted last weekend. The weather is so changeable (yet always exciting) here in the #PeakDistrict. #30DaysOfMidsummer #cloudgazing #England #Derbyshire #beautyallaround #sacredlife #MotherNature
heathwitch: So #thankful for the wonders of #herbalremedies in supporting my aching body. One of my current issues is an increase in #spasticity so this #arnica #salve is #Goddess-send! #30DaysOfMidsummer #GoddessOfHealing #MSWarrior #MultipleSclerosis #healing #heal
heathwitch: Adoring the #scent and #texture of these #LemonBalm plants -- what beautiful teachings they hold! Makes gorgeous #tea, and fab for #healing, #love, #success, #lunar, and #emotional #magic. #30DaysOfMidsummer #Witch #herblore #herbs #melissa #witchery #mel
heathwitch: Love these delicate, dancing #flowers -- they have a touch of the #fairfolk about them. #30DaysOfMidsummer #phlox #faerie #thefairfolk #summer #white #flowermagic
heathwitch: Peeking through the local park's #garden #gate at #twilight -- love the #wroughtiron. So atmospheric! #30DaysOfMidsummer #summernights #beautyallaroundme
heathwitch: Beautiful #lavender. <3 #30DaysOfMidsummer #beautyallaroundme #sacredlife #flowers #nofilter #heathwitch
heathwitch: These gorgeous #roses just sang out to me this afternoon :) #30DaysOfMidsummer #flowers #rose #beautyallaroundme #sacredlife #nofilter
heathwitch: Dried #StJohnsWort -- a beautiful #Midsummer #herb that's great for #protection and #power #magic. #Witchery #30DaysOfMidsummer #herblore #witchesofinstagram #sacredlife #heathwitch
heathwitch: Loving the delicate colours in this #rose. Such a gorgeous day today! #30DaysOfMidsummer #flowers #beautyallaroundme #sacredlife #nofilter
heathwitch: Slow going on @jojilocat's #startingpointmkal but I'm loving seeing it come together. This Woodbury base from @missbabsyarns is so lush, and I adore my project bag from @antlerandacornuk -- it's so roomy I can carry all the colours at once! I love #knitti
heathwitch: Longest day, shortest night: an image from our garden. #SummerSolstice #30DaysOfMidsummer #sacredlife #Witch #rowan #rowantree #mountainash #tree #leaves #clouds #nightsky #liminal #grateful #beautyallaroundme #nofilter #heathwitch
heathwitch: #Herbs and #honey for crafting #incenses, simples and #brews. This is just a small sampling of my 200+ #witchy herb supplies :) #30DaysOfMidsummer #witchery #Witch #Priestess #everydaypriestess #herblore #rootlore #naturesbounty #gratitude #magiciseverywh
heathwitch: #Summer. The season of #fire and #water. #30DaysOfMidsummer #Witch #Goddess #candlelight #inHerhands #witchesofinstagram #Priestess #everydaypriestess #heathwitch
heathwitch: The fire that burns within my soul is threaded through with #woodsmoke and #frankincense, #ancestral memories, the #folklore of #hedgerow and #moonlight, and the #darkness of both #womb and #tomb; all held with #sacred #devotion, fierce #compassion and #o
heathwitch: A belated happy #SummerSolstice to you! And a share of my #Solstice #altar, too :) #30DaysOfMidsummer #sacredlife #Witch #witchery #witchesofinstagram #Priestess #everydaypriestess #GaianTarot #MagicalMalas #citrine #carnelian #Goddess #Sun #candlelight #
heathwitch: Summer's shimmer shining out from behind clouds this evening. :) #30daysofmidsummer #sacredlife #witchlife #Witch #MotherNature #beautyallaroundme #nofilter #heathwitch
heathwitch: After spending the last three summers grappling with how to be an #MSWarrior in the world, I'm hoping this summer will see me back out on the #land and maybe even in my beloved #woods! #30daysofmidsummer #sacredlife #witchlife #Witch #MotherNature #Multip
heathwitch: Now: #Firethorn blooming in our #hedgerow as #summer encroaches. #30daysofmidsummer #pyracantha #sacredlife #witchlife #Witch #beautyallaroundme #MotherNature #England #heathwitch #nofilter
heathwitch: Throwback to a quiet drink together a wee while ago, to celebrate eternity in all its ripeness and promise. _______ #30DaysOfMidsummer #ripeness #romance #happilymarried #hecanstillsurpriseme #together #loved #sacredlife #grateful #blessed #cocktails #cho
heathwitch: I go to the trees to bring warmth and brightness to my soul. They carry such wisdom and healing, and just a touch connects us. This silver birch entranced me when we encountered it a few weeks ago. _______ #30DaysOfMidsummer #silverbirch #warmth #brightne
heathwitch: Created this pretty mandala from leaves in my garden. Just a wee sign of gratitude towards Mother Nature and all the green spirits. _______ #30DaysOfMidsummer #mandala #leaves #naturemandala #MotherNature #trees #greenspirits #Witch #beautyallaroundme #sa