heathwitch: k-20190817-PerfectBlend-blocking09
heathwitch: k-20190817-PerfectBlend-Clue06a text
heathwitch: k-20190810-PerfectBlend-Clue05d text
heathwitch: k-20190804-PerfectBlend-Clue04a text
heathwitch: k-20190802-zuzu4-blocking
heathwitch: k-20190727-PerfectBlend-Clue03b text
heathwitch: k-20190717-PerfectBlend-Clue02a text
heathwitch: k-20190713-PerfectBlend-Clue01d text
heathwitch: casapinka-perfect-blend-mkal
heathwitch: PerfectBlend-Greens-Schematic-1000px
heathwitch: MB-SE14+21+30+SilverFern-Greens-2b-1000px
heathwitch: MB-SE14+21+30+SilverFern-Greens-2a-1000px
heathwitch: k-20190629-twinsie02-unblocked
heathwitch: k-20190629-twinsie02-blocking
heathwitch: k-20190610-twinsie01-unblocked
heathwitch: k-20190610-twinsie01-blocking
heathwitch: k-20190409-isisscarf-blocking
heathwitch: k-20190416-brittoncap-blocking
heathwitch: Molly_Red_Skirs_medium
heathwitch: k-20180909-softsundays-blocking
heathwitch: kal-kelsingra
heathwitch: I finished these fingerless mitts back on 18th Jan, and I've only just been able to get them blocked! But I'm so pleased with them; hopefully when they're dry and the ends woven in, they will be my new go-to. Plus, y'know, my favourite yarn so win-win! :r
heathwitch: When bad things happen to good knitters! :( One end of this is attached to my knitting. The other end is attached to the semi-collapsed yarn donut -- the rest is countless loops in between the two, all looping around and tangling up with each other. And i
heathwitch: 19: Brings me joy. It's probably no surprise to anyone who knows me, but knitting brings me ridiculous amounts of joy and helps to soothe my mind and heart. I am so grateful to have this meditative habit in my life. I would say it's cheaper than therapy,
heathwitch: k-20171206-lacebookmark-blocking
heathwitch: heathwitch-mtbachelor-yarnchoice-20171014
heathwitch: heathwitch-mtbachelor-progress-20171124
heathwitch: heathwitch-mtbachelor-progress-20171117
heathwitch: heathwitch-mtbachelor-progress-20171115
heathwitch: FrozenMKAL