Heath's moth page:
December Moth - Poecilocampa populi
Heath's moth page:
December Moth - Poecilocampa populi
Heath's moth page:
December Moth - Poecilocampa populi
Heath's moth page:
Feathered Ranunculus - Polymixis lichenea
Heath's moth page:
Feathered Ranunculus - Polymixis lichenea
Heath's moth page:
Merveille du Jour - Griposia aprilina
Heath's moth page:
Merveille du Jour - Griposia aprilina
Heath's moth page:
Merveille du Jour - Griposia aprilina
Heath's moth page:
Merveille du Jour - Griposia aprilina
Heath's moth page:
Beaded Chestnut - Agrochola lychnidis
Heath's moth page:
Large Wainscot - Rhizedra lutosa
Heath's moth page:
Large Wainscot - Rhizedra lutosa
Heath's moth page:
Deep-brown Dart - Aporophyla lutulenta
Heath's moth page:
Deep-brown Dart - Aporophyla lutulenta
Heath's moth page:
Deep-brown Dart - Aporophyla lutulenta
Heath's moth page:
Deep-brown Dart - Aporophyla lutulenta
Heath's moth page:
Black Rustic - Aporophyla nigra
Heath's moth page:
Black Rustic - Aporophyla nigra
Heath's moth page:
Black Rustic - Aporophyla nigra
Heath's moth page:
The Vestal - Rhodometra sacraria
Heath's moth page:
The Vestal - Rhodometra sacraria
Heath's moth page:
Dusky Thorn - Ennomos fuscantaria
Heath's moth page:
Lunar Underwing - Omphaloscelis lunosa
Heath's moth page:
L-album Wainscot - Mythimna l-album
Heath's moth page:
Micro Moth - Eudonia delunella
Heath's moth page:
Scarce Footman - Eilema complana
Heath's moth page:
Garden Grass Veneer - Chrysoteuchia culmella
Heath's moth page:
The Miller - Acronicta leporina
Heath's moth page:
The Miller - Acronicta leporina
Heath's moth page:
Leopard Moth - Zeuzera pyrina